Music Stepmates.jpeg


Want an original music composition to compliment your animated video? That’s music to our ears!

Music and score are integral for defining the mood and atmosphere of a video. This is especially true in animation.

If your animation has dialogue and SFX - you need a track that works in harmony with those elements.

If your video relies on visuals and music only - you need a track that sets the pace, drives your story, and carries the emotion you want your audience to feel.

Stepmates Studios is fortunate to have in-house composers that produce tailor-made music all our projects.

Library music sounds like library music. You might get lucky and find a track that works, but most of the time, it will make your video sound generic. And that’s the last thing we want to do!

Bespoke music means we can match the visual aesthetics of your video, nail the emotional beats of your story, and elevate the professionalism of your project.

Whether you need some inspiring orchestral for your corporate video, electronic synth for your explainer video, or heavy metal for your social media video - we’ve got you covered with original composed music to perfectly drive your video.